Try Bus, Tram, or Rail
It can be less stressful taking the bus, tram or train than driving. During peak hours, it can be a lot quicker than the car. The more you use public transport the cheaper it can be by using different types of tickets and discounts on offer.
There are three Luas green line stops in the Sandyford area. No point in the Sandyford business area is more than about a 15 minutes walk from the Luas.
Bus (Check out your bus stop number!)
Sandyford Business District is served by a number of bus services including the 11, 47, 75, 116 and the 114 feeder bus service to Blackrock DART Station, as well as the Aircoach and Finnegans Coach services. Don’t forget all the bus routes on the nearby N11 QBC including the 7D, 46A, 75, 84, 84X, 145.
Buses stopping in the District
Buses stopping along the N11
Private Operators
Real Time Bus Information at all stops
All Dublin Bus stops now have a unique identification number, you can know in real time when your bus is due to arrive at your stop using the web, iPhone app or SMS texting. The bus stop number is on the sign at the top of the pole. Check this out at or
An electronic real-time information sign is currently being installed at Sandyford Luas stop.
Blackrock DART Station is also served by feeder bus 114 and Dun Laoghaire DART station by bus 75. Dart timetables at